RakNet::PacketLogger Class Reference

Writes incoming and outgoing messages to the screen. This will write all incoming and outgoing messages to the console window, or to a file if you override it and give it this functionality. More...

#include <PacketLogger.h>

Inheritance diagram for RakNet::PacketLogger:

RakNet::PluginInterface2 RakNet::PacketConsoleLogger RakNet::PacketFileLogger RakNet::PacketOutputWindowLogger RakNet::ThreadsafePacketLogger

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void OnDirectSocketSend (const char *data, const BitSize_t bitsUsed, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress)
 Events on low level sends and receives. These functions may be called from different threads at the same time.
virtual void OnDirectSocketReceive (const char *data, const BitSize_t bitsUsed, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress)
virtual void OnReliabilityLayerPacketError (const char *errorMessage, const BitSize_t bitsUsed, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress)
virtual void OnInternalPacket (InternalPacket *internalPacket, unsigned frameNumber, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress, RakNet::TimeMS time, int isSend)
virtual void OnAck (unsigned int messageNumber, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress, RakNet::TimeMS time)
virtual void OnPushBackPacket (const char *data, const BitSize_t bitsUsed, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress)
virtual void LogHeader (void)
 Logs out a header for all the data.
virtual void WriteLog (const char *str)
 Override this to log strings to wherever. Log should be threadsafe.
virtual void SetPrefix (const char *_prefix)
 Prepend this string to output logs.
virtual void SetSuffix (const char *_suffix)
 Append this string to output logs. (newline is useful here).
void SetLogDirectMessages (bool send)
 Log the direct sends and receives or not. Default true.

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool UsesReliabilityLayer (void) const

Detailed Description

Writes incoming and outgoing messages to the screen. This will write all incoming and outgoing messages to the console window, or to a file if you override it and give it this functionality.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void RakNet::PacketLogger::OnAck ( unsigned int  messageNumber,
SystemAddress  remoteSystemAddress,
RakNet::TimeMS  time 
) [virtual]

Called when we get an ack for a message we reliably sent

To be called, UsesReliabilityLayer() must return true
[in] messageNumber The numerical identifier for which message this is
[in] remoteSystemAddress The player we sent or got this packet from
[in] time The current time as returned by RakNet::GetTimeMS()

Reimplemented from RakNet::PluginInterface2.

virtual void RakNet::PacketLogger::OnDirectSocketReceive ( const char *  data,
const BitSize_t  bitsUsed,
SystemAddress  remoteSystemAddress 
) [virtual]

Called on a receive from the socket, per datagram, that does not go through the reliability layer

To be called, UsesReliabilityLayer() must return true
[in] data The data being sent
[in] bitsUsed How many bits long data is
[in] remoteSystemAddress Which system this message is being sent to

Reimplemented from RakNet::PluginInterface2.

virtual void RakNet::PacketLogger::OnInternalPacket ( InternalPacket internalPacket,
unsigned  frameNumber,
SystemAddress  remoteSystemAddress,
RakNet::TimeMS  time,
int  isSend 
) [virtual]

Called on a send or receive of a message within the reliability layer

To be called, UsesReliabilityLayer() must return true
[in] internalPacket The user message, along with all send data.
[in] frameNumber The number of frames sent or received so far for this player depending on isSend . Indicates the frame of this user message.
[in] remoteSystemAddress The player we sent or got this packet from
[in] time The current time as returned by RakNet::GetTimeMS()
[in] isSend Is this callback representing a send event or receive event?

Reimplemented from RakNet::PluginInterface2.

virtual void RakNet::PacketLogger::OnPushBackPacket ( const char *  data,
const BitSize_t  bitsUsed,
SystemAddress  remoteSystemAddress 
) [virtual]

System called RakPeerInterface::PushBackPacket

[in] data The data being sent
[in] bitsUsed How many bits long data is
[in] remoteSystemAddress The player we sent or got this packet from

Reimplemented from RakNet::PluginInterface2.

virtual void RakNet::PacketLogger::OnReliabilityLayerPacketError ( const char *  errorMessage,
const BitSize_t  bitsUsed,
SystemAddress  remoteSystemAddress 
) [virtual]

Called when the reliability layer rejects a send or receive

To be called, UsesReliabilityLayer() must return true
[in] bitsUsed How many bits long data is
[in] remoteSystemAddress Which system this message is being sent to

Reimplemented from RakNet::PluginInterface2.

virtual bool RakNet::PacketLogger::UsesReliabilityLayer ( void   )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Queried when attached to RakPeer Return true to call OnDirectSocketSend(), OnDirectSocketReceive(), OnReliabilityLayerPacketError(), OnInternalPacket(), and OnAck() If true, then you cannot call RakPeer::AttachPlugin() or RakPeer::DetachPlugin() for this plugin, while RakPeer is active

Reimplemented from RakNet::PluginInterface2.

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