Jenkins Software

RPC4 Plugin

Call C functions on local and remote systems.

RPC4 contains mappings between string identifiers for functions, and a pointer to those functions.

Registering functions:

To Register a function, use the RegisterSlot() or RegisterBlockingFunction() members.

void RegisterSlot(const char *sharedIdentifier, void ( *functionPointer ) ( RakNet::BitStream *userData, Packet *packet ), int callPriority);
bool RegisterBlockingFunction(const char* uniqueID, void ( *functionPointer ) ( RakNet::BitStream *userData, RakNet::BitStream *returnData, Packet *packet ));

The first parameter is a string representing that function. It can be the same as the name of the function. The second parameter is a pointer to the function to be called. If it is a blocking function, the parameter list also contains a BitStream to return data to the caller.

The class RPC4GlobalRegistration can be used to register functions where they are declared. For example:

void CFunc1( RakNet::BitStream *bitStream, Packet *packet ) {}
RPC4GlobalRegistration cfunc1reg("CFunc1", CFunc1);

If you use RPC4GlobalRegistration extensively, you may need to change RPC4_GLOBAL_REGISTRATION_MAX_FUNCTIONS to a higher number in RakNetDefines.h

Calling functions:

Use the Signal() function to call a non-blocking function. Use the CallBlocking() function otherwise.

void Signal(const char *sharedIdentifier, RakNet::BitStream * bitStream, PacketPriority priority, PacketReliability reliability, char orderingChannel, const AddressOrGUID systemIdentifier, bool broadcast, bool invokeLocal);
bool CallBlocking( const char* uniqueID, RakNet::BitStream * bitStream, PacketPriority priority, PacketReliability reliability, char orderingChannel, const AddressOrGUID systemIdentifier, RakNet::BitStream *returnData );

Signal will call all functions registered with that identifier using RegisterSlot(), including potentially on the same system. CallBlocking() will call a single function on a single system, registered with RegisterBlockingFunction(). CallBlocking() does not return until the remote system replies or the connection to that system is lost.

See Samples/RPC4 for a demonstration of this plugin

See Also
