Jenkins Software

Lobby2Client_Steam Overview

Use Steamworks to join Lobbies, Rooms, and do NAT traversal

The Lobby2Client_Steam plugin provides an interface to Steamworks services that cooperate with RakNet. This avoids the need to host your owns sever, which is otherwise required by RakNet's NATPunchthrough and Lobby systems.


  1. Assumes the Steam SDK is located at C:\Steamworks . If not, modify the post-build step paths and linker paths accordingly.
  2. You can get the Steamworks API from , which requires a signup and legal agreement.
  3. You need your own steam_appid.txt file. This sample just copies the one that comes with steam.

Operations include:

  • Get the list of rooms - L2MID_Console_SearchRooms
  • Leave a room - L2MID_Console_LeaveRoom
  • Create a room - L2MID_Console_CreateRoom
  • Join a room - L2MID_Console_JoinRoom
  • Get details about a specific room - L2MID_Console_GetRoomDetails
  • Send a chat message to a room - L2MID_Console_SendRoomChatMessage
  • Get the members in a room- Lobby2Client_Steam::GetRoomMembers
  • Get notification of NAT Traversal success - SteamResults::Notification_Console_RoomMemberConnectivityUpdate

See the sample project Samples\SteamLobby for an implementation of this system.

See Also
